Saturday, August 2, 2008

Talk about the Old Days

Aamey-here are the photos I promised you. I came up dry on the yahoo Serious.

I vow never to perm my girls hair!!!


Amanda said...

Hey Erika! Those pictures are amazing! :-) Brought back memories for sure. Wow that was a long time ago!

Amanda said...
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Amanda said...
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Mandi said...

all i have to say is HOLY CRAP! i love the sailor coller!

Ben and Kimberly McEvoy said...

Man, I am looking sweet in that bolo- tie. when are those styles coming back, cant wait. total trip down memory lane there. good fun days. i think it is fun playing look whose in the background too. i see haze rogers and stephanie wilson.

Rach said...

Ha ha, those are so FUNNY! You know perms are going to come back and Reese and Kate are going to be begging for them :)

Those photo's of Kate by Kelli are AMAZING

AnnieB said...

Love the new header by the way. Love the hairdos too!

Jen said...

These pics look really familiar :) If I remember right, you took some pink shimmery paper and made a little "bra" and fashioned it for us...with your clothes on of course! I just happened to stumble on this - man am I starting to feel old!

PRC said...

abo-bder said...

شركة شحن من الرياض الى الامارات
شركة شحن من الرياض الى الامارات
شركة شحن من الرياض الي الامارات
شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الامارات
شركة شحن من الرياض الي الامارات
شركة شحن من الرياض الي الامارات